Friday, July 4, 2008

At home with the deer ones

We finally got fed up with the deer feeding on our tender plants in the garden; with tripping over the netting that covers everything; with getting squirted in the face by the motion detecting scarecrow; and with untangling the raspberry vines from the netting...

So we put up a deer fence - 300 feet and 7 feet high. It's made of plastic and it was actually pretty easy to put up. You can see below that I am standing inside the fence while Dan plays deer and tries to get in - unsuccessfully.

So far it is working very well. Now if we could just get some sun...

Here's our first fire of the season. We had to dump out gallons of water that had filled the firepit, and then get the fire hot enough so we could burn all the wet newspaper and logs. Kind of like Elijah calling down fire into a soaking wet altar. (It's a story in the book of I Kings, chapter 18, verses 33 - 39) Well, not quite. Anyway, we enjoyed our hot dogs and burned up a lot of wet stuff.